"I just want the bullying to stop. That is all I ever wanted. I used to love going to school. Now I hate it."
(9-year-old Verity Ward quoted in the Sunday Telegraph, 12 March 2000)

This is what goes through the head of a child that has been bullied. In this day and age, bullying is everywhere. It's in schools, at home, in relationships, and more recently, online. There are ways to prevent it. We just have to be aware that it's happening and accept it when you realize that it's your child being bullied.

There are so many different kinds of bullying that its hard to explain them all. If you've ever said something hurtful to someone or done something that you know would hurt them, you have been a bully. If you've ever had this happen to you, you are a victim of bullying. Even something as small as calling someone a name can change their entire perspective on life.

If you or anyone you know is being bullied and you sense something is not right, contact a close friend or responsible adult as soon as you can. Every second counts.